WPING.ORG User Guide
WPING.ORG provides a one-stop website / domain name / IP reputation, information and blacklist query and interactive platform. You can enter the webpage URL links (the system will automatically extract the part of the domain name), domain name, or IP address (do not worry, we will help you check the syntax and format) query and analysis, WPING.ORG will present the following information for you:
Comprehensive Security Rating
The WPING.ORG comprehensive security rating is generated by systematic calculation of website / domain / IP reputation score, child safety rating, website category, blacklist, corresponding domain name / IP reputation. We use the color bar to represent the degree of danger or safety , the closer the pointer is to the red end, the more dangerous it is, and the closer to the green end, the safer it is. At the same time, the comprehensive safety rating results will be displayed above the pointer, including:
Very dangerous
Very safe
Reputation Score
The Reputation Score is generated by calculating the user’s trust votings about the website / domain name / IP. When the user selects “trust”, the reputation score of the website / domain name / IP increases, and when the user selects “suspicious” or “not trust”, the trust index of the website / domain name / IP will decrease to a certain degree. It is worth noting that the influential weight of the logged-in user and the non-logged-in user on the reputation score will be different. In addition, the influential weight on the reputation score will also be different for different users due to the different contribution values. We encourage users to register and log in, and post-login reviews will be more valuable. We will also calculate user contributions and reward reputable users.
The Reputation Score will be showed as on the WPING website:
represents very high reputation score
represents high reputation score
represents medium reputation score
represents low reputation score
️represents very low reputation score
While indicate that we do not have enough data to support the reputation score.
When user moves the cursor above ️️️, the website will present a hint message of the reputation score it represents.
Child Safety
The Child Safety Rating is based on the website / domain / IP reputation score, and formed by further evaluating users’ rating on whether it’s suitable for children to visit. When users choose “unsuitable for children”, child safety rating will decrease. Similarly, users who are logged in versus not-logged users, and those who contribute differently, will have different weights on the child safety ratings.
The Child Safety Rating will be showed as on the WPING website:
️️️represents very high child safety rating
️️️represents high child safety rating
️️️represents medium child safety rating
️️️represents low child safety rating
️️️represents very low child safety rating
While indicate that we do not have enough data to support the child safety rating.
Similarly, when user moves the cursor above , the website will present a hint message of the child safety rating it represents.
Web Category
WPING.ORG divides the url/domain/ip into 51 categories based on the content of the website. Based on user votings of the web content categories corresponding to the website / domain name / IP, we will present the categories of web sites most users have chosen. It is also worth noting that the impact of ratings of registered and non-registered users on the final site category will be different and that different users will have different repercussions on the final site category due to their contribution value.
When generating a website’s content category on WPING.ORG, due to the different number of users participating in submitting the category voting or different users’ opinions on the website content category, we will calculate the reliability of the website’s category information, and the most reliable website categories is displayed on the webpage. When there is a large number of participants in the evaluation and the classification is consistent, the reliability of the classification is higher. When the number of participating users is less or the classification is not unified, the reliability will be reduced accordingly.
Your Evaluation
At the bottom left of the reputation information, WPING.ORG offers an interface for user evaluation and comments:
For a website / domain name / IP, users can use their own judgment based on experience, and choose from Trust, Suspicious, or Not Trust.
For web content provided by a website / domain name / IP, if the user thinks that the website / domain name / IP is not suitable for children to visit, user can choose Unsuitable for children.
For a content category of a website / domain name / IP, user may click “Choose a Category” and select the category for the website that he thinks is consistent with the content of the website.
In addition, you can comment on a website / domain name / IP and share your experiences with other users.
If there are existing comments on the website / domain name / IP, comments will be displayed one by one below the comment input box.
Scan Information
At the bottom right of the reputation information, WPING.ORG provides additional information about the website / domain name / IP. WPING.ORG offers various information for different types of query input.
WPING.ORG offers the following information when you submit a URL link (the system will automatically extract the domain name) or domain name to query:
Website Information (Website corresponding to the Domain Name if there is any), including:
Server Address - The physical address where the server is located
Domain registration time - Date and time the domain name is registered
Alexa Traffic Rank - Alexa International Traffic Rank
HTTP status code - website’s HTTP request return code, with brief description of the return code represented by the instruction
Connection Time - Website HTTP request connection time (seconds)
Download Speed - Download speed of website HTTP request after successful connection
HTTP header size - HTTP header file size of the website
Download size - Web site HTTP request download size
IP information (the IP address that the domain name is resolved to), including:
IP Address - The IP address corresponding to the domain name, you can click to further analyze the reputation and information of the IP address
Host Name - The host name corresponding to the IP address
ASN - Autonomous Network Number, visit bgp.he.net for specific ASN number information
ASN owner - Owner of the ASN
Continent - Continent of the network address location
Country - Country of the network address location
Latitude / Longitude - The latitude and longitude of the network address location
City - City of the network address location
District - District of the network address location
WHOIS (Domain Name’s WHOIS / Registration Information), including
Parent domain - domain name associated with the second-level domain name (E.g, map.baidu.com’s parent domain name is baidu.com), users can click to further analyze the parent domain name’s reputation information
Creation time - the registration time of the domain name
Geographic location - the location of the domain name
Registrant - The Registrant of domain names. If the Registrant also registered other domain names, WPING.ORG will show the number of registrants’ other related domain names. (If more than 100, only 100+ will be displayed.) Users can visit domainbigdata.com for specific information on the domain name registrant
Registrant Organization - The domain name registration organization or company. If the domain registration organization also registered other domain names, WPING.ORG will show the number of other related domain names (if more than 100, only 100+ will be displayed). Users may visit domainbigdata.com for specific information about the domain name registration organization
Email Address - domain name registrant’s email address, if the domain name registrant’s email address also registered other domain names, WPING.ORG will show the number of other related domain names (if more than 100, will only display 100 +). Users can visit domainbigdata. com for specific information about the domain name registration emails
Address - domain name registration address
City - domain name registeration city
State - domain name registration state
Country - domain name registered country
Phone - domain registration phone number
Fax - domain registration fax number
Network Blacklist (If the domain name is listed in the network blacklist)
In the brackets next to the “Network Blacklist” tab it displays the number of listed blacklists and the total number of blacklists queried. For example, (3/75) indicates that WPING.ORG queried 75 blacklists and the domain is listed in three blacklists.
WPING.ORG provides the following information when you submit an IP query request:
IP information (the IP address that the domain name is resolved to), including:
IP Address - The IP address of the query, click to further analyze the reputation and information of the IP address
Host Name - The host name corresponding to the IP address
ASN - Autonomous Network Number, visit bgp.he.net for specific ASN number information
ASN owner - Owner of the ASN
Continent - Continent of the network address location
Country - Country of the network address location
Latitude / Longitude - The latitude and longitude of the network address location
City - City of the network address location
District - District of the network address location
Reverse DNS (Domains that are resolved to the IP address), Click any domain name to further analyze the reputation and information
Network Blacklist (If the IP address is listed in the network blacklist)
In the brackets next to the “Network Blacklist” tab it displays the number of listed blacklists and the total number of blacklists queried. For example, (3/75) indicates that WPING.ORG queried 75 blacklists and the IP is listed in three blacklists.
Time of Scan / Re-Scan
In addition, we also marked the time of our scan on a domain name or IP, that is, the time the scanning data generated. Because of the timeliness of data analysis and possible changes (such as HTTP status, blacklisting, etc.), if the scanning data has been generated for a long time, user has the option of rescanning, re-analyzing various information about the domain name and IP . Please note that in order to reduce unnecessary duplicate queries, we allow a rescan request only when the last query time was 24 hours ago. In addition, only logged-in users can perform rescan.